Media Monitoring Africa

February 4, 2018, News24 Another twist of irony is that the Press Council and our Code of ethics and conduct for SA print and online media is acknowledged by the legislature in laws such as the Films and Publications Act, in the draft bill to amend it and in the Protection of Personal Information Ac...
February 2, 2018, Owing to the “controversies” associated with ANN7, MultiChoice said it would not renew its contract with the channel when it expired in August 2018. The company was preparing a tender for a replacement blackowned news channel, MultiChoice CEO Calvo Mawe...
17 May 2018, Cape Talk, Pippa Hudson MMA and the SOS Coalition have called on the communication regulator Icasa not to grant the company the licence because of links with the controversial Gupta family. MMA director William Bird says that the TV channel should not be granted the licence because it h...
February 1, 2018, The Citizen “ANN7 will shortly close down and so too will The New Age. This group is doomed, and rightfully so.” Media Monitoring Africa director William Bird added that MultiChoice needed to show what their mistakes were. “We need to be asking what the mistakes were? Please ...