GroundUp shines spotlight on champion child. Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) is pleased to award a GLAD[1] of the week to GroundUp for the article titled “QwaQwa 12-year-old wins international dance championship” published on 06/08/2024. The article, written by Tladi Moloi, reports on 12-year-old ...
The Star celebrates young South Africans It is important that we celebrate young people that are taking up space so that they can be motivated to do more incredible activities within their rights. Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) awards a GLAD[1] to The Star for their inspiring article, taking interest...
SABC NEWS amplifies the voices of children from marginalized groups With the advent of digital technologies and ‘non-traditional’ forms of news, the need for a diversity of perspectives and the voices of the marginalized in the established news media has never been greater. It is for this reas...
The Star shines a light on children Providing children with access to sports and other activities is crucial for their development. Moreover, exposure to a variety of activities allows children to explore their interests and talents, potentially discovering passions that could shape their future. Me...
News24 protects identity of abused child. Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) awards News24 a GLAD[1] and its journalist Sithandiwe Velaphi for exemplary journalistic practice by protecting the identity of a child victim in the article titled, “Eastern Cape court official in custody for allegedly raping...
Daily Voice: Empowering Voices Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) awards a GLAD[1] to Daily voice for their story involving children in sports. The journalist behind the story gives a child a voice to tell her story and how passionate she is about netball. In an article titled, “Netballer needs help”...
Ground-Up shines the spotlight on a young activists’ movement. Few accomplishments in ethical journalism are as commendable as effectively accessing and compassionately conveying the stories of remarkable children. Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) awards a GLAD[1] to GroundUp for their...
City Press puts interest of child first. One of the basic tenets of ethical journalism is to always consider the best interest of children or a child when reporting on a story that involves them. It is for this commendable journalistic practice that week, Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) is delighted t...
The HeraldLIVE continues to illuminate children’s matters in the media For upholding the standards of ethical news reporting as it pertains to children’s stories, Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) bestows the HeraldLIVE with a GLAD[1] for the story titled, “Paterson High School boffin off to Bali...