The Star’s coverage of Garry Kasparov’s visit to South Africa in their article “Young minds test against the greatest of them all” (26/03/2012,p.3) is a good example of how stories can take a children-centred rather than event-centred approach and for this reason it was selected as the Glad1 for the week.

The story is about a chess match of 25 children playing simultaneously against the man who, although retired, is still the highest-ranked chess player in the world. This chess match was part of the launch of the African arm of the Garry Kasparov Chess Foundation.

The main photograph from the story was particularly heart-warming, showing Kasparov playing chess with eight-year- old Ronan Ferreira who lasted an hour against the world’s highest-ranked chess player. Ferreira can be seen in the photograph relaxed and eating while Kasparov looks like he is concentrating hard.

The photos generally complement the narrative manner in which the event is described, making the story a well-integrated read. Again, the narration happens from the point of view of those present, largely children, as opposed to a dry story about the Garry Kasparov Chess Foundation.

This story is an example of best practice in covering children, being child-centred, it is evidence for why children should be consulted in stories2:
• Children bring fresh perspective to stories;
• Children reveal a range of different and unique stories that challenge many widely held stereotypes about children;
• Children reflect and highlight varied experiences and views from different economic and cultural backgrounds.

Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) anticipates more stories reported in a manner consistent with the best interests of the child from The Star and other publications.

1. A Glad is a story deemed the best of the week from all large Johannesburg-based newspapers (excluding community).
2. Media Monitoring Africa. 2011. Editorial Guidelines and Principles on Reporting on Children in the Media. Johannesburg: Media Monitoring Africa, p. 8.