Media Monitoring Africa (MMA) welcomes the decision taken by Parliament’s Portfolio Committee on Communications on an issue that has not only further damaged the integrity of the SABC but also cost Ms Ellen Tshabalala her reputation.
It would be easy to gloat especially because Ms Tshabalala has on numerous occasions failed to present her qualifications indicating that she had wilfully and under oath misrepresented her qualifications to Parliament. In doing so she not only appears to have committed a serious offence, but she has also deceived the public, who rely on the SABC for fair and independent information. We therefore feel the only course of action is for Ms Tshabalala to resign with immediate effect.
MMA recognizes and applauds the Portfolio Committee on Communication for undertaking this difficult task, especially given the recent soap opera-esque shenanigans of parliament and its ability to make important and credible decisions. We see this decision as going some way in restoring a measure of credibility to parliament more broadly.
For More Information Contact:
William Bird (Director)
Carol Mohlala (Researcher)