Media Freedom Week (#MFW19) is almost upon us and we are excited to announce our fiery line up of events. Media Freedom Week is an action-packed series of events that serve as an opportunity for us to ponder, probe and interrogate some of the key media-related issues of the moment. It is hosted at the end of October every year to honour Black Wednesday (19 October).
Each early evening event (18h00 – 20h00) is free of charge and is open to the public.
To RSVP and learn more, follow this link:
MONDAY 21 October 2019:
Children take on the media
Around the world young people are shifting the agenda around climate change, in 1976 they shifted the agenda around apartheid. Children are the ones who will have to live with the mistakes we make as adults, some think children are lazy and spend their time in front of tv screens. Come and be inspired by how bright our kids are and find new hope in our quality of journalism. Children make up 35% of our population but 10% of our media coverage. When we talk about media credibility we seldom ask what do children think of the media. Join us as they present their ideas to the SANEF Inquiry into Media Credibility and Ethics on their representation in the media. Media are often maligned for often not giving children a voice, the Isu Elihle Awards help to challenge this stereotype. Find out just how incredible journalists on the continent can be when they have the opportunity to think and use some imagination. We will be announcing the 2019 Isu Elihle Awards finalists.
Venue: Jozi Hub, 44 Stanley Ave, Milpark, Johannesburg, 2094
TUESDAY: 22 October:
The Future of Journalism Series: Global & Digital, Local & Relevant
What is the future of audio visual in South Africa? What are the implications for our journalism? Our future is increasingly digital with global players, we are moving into the digital era kicking and screaming, while audio visual content currently remains the purview of the well-heeled. Access to digital will become increasingly the norm and around the world we have witnessed the rise of Netflix, Amazon, Facebook and Google otherwise referred to as “fangs”, a new place offering audio visual content. What are the implications for our existing broadcast media, what does it mean for local content, how should our media, policy makers and fangs respond. Join us together with the Goethe-Institut JHB and the German Embassy PTA, as we discuss hot issues that will impact our identity for the next decade locally and internationally..
Venue: Goethe-Institut, 119 Jan Smuts Ave, Parkwood, Johannesburg, 2193
WEDNESDAY 23 October:
Combating Offences Online
If you are worried that whenever people are online, all they seem to do is shout, insult, deceive and undermine other people. Join us to find out how you can help fight for our democracy and be a better person and have fun while doing it. Join us for the launch of our new Digital Offences Online Complaints platform as well as the launch of our Rover (Disinformation) spotters network. Tired of the negativity online, learn to take positive action and combat disinformation, incitement and hate speech.
Venue: Jozi Hub, 44 Stanley Ave, Milpark, Johannesburg, 2094
THURSDAY 24 October:
Tightrope: which editor will make it to the other side?
Let the games begin! Think journalists have it easy? think again, they make difficult decisions everyday. If you still think they have it easy, come and watch them squirm while you learn how ethical decisions are being made as they play the ethical tightrope game. Prepare for two master scenario setters to present extreme ethical dilemmas and see if they can make ethical decisions. Far too often our media get blamed when they get things wrong but there seems to be little awareness of just how hard it often is. This event will be able to show the audience the kinds of ethical dilemmas our editors and decision makers go through in producing news. Now the big question is.. which editor will make it to the other side? Join us and be part of this fun and impactful game and discussion.
Venue: Jozi Hub, 44 Stanley Ave, Milpark, Johannesburg, 2094
For more information, please contact: Nomshado Lubisi,, 011 788 1278
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